Brown v board of education impact today
Brown v board of education impact today

While desegregation was an important step on the seemingly never ending path to equality, it did not suddenly eliminate racism and racist stereotypes.

brown v board of education impact today

Given that the student bodies of most schools remained relatively unchanged, several white teachers ended up in predominantly black schools unsatisfied with their jobs (Citation 3).

brown v board of education impact today

As a result of the decision, thousands of black teachers across the country were let go due to their schools’ forced closures and the difficulties associated with finding work in predominantly white schools. Board of Education thoroughly altered how these relationships were formed. Student teacher relationships are an extremely important aspect of childhood and adolescence, and Brown v. The implementation of this court decision only addressed the issues with separation to some extent, but managed to contribute heavily to the systemic racism within schools that can still be seen today because of how it ignored a lot of the progress made by black schools attempted to “solve” inequality by single faceted way. While it’s commonly understood now that separate inherently means unequal, the elimination of this standard only served to blur the lines of inequality and provide an easy escape to all other questions concerning education equality. This decision was born out of an attempt to eliminate the “separate but equal” ideology that dominated the twentieth century until this point. Although the court decision itself did not radically change the racial make-up of many schools, it had a dramatic impact on black communities and how they interacted with schools that were no longer theirs.

brown v board of education impact today

However, what initially had the potential to be quite beneficial for black students in America was implemented in such a way that continues to systemically disadvantage these students. Board of Education was arguably the most important legal decision of the 20th century because of how it created exponential and lasting change within America’s educational system.

Brown v board of education impact today